Welcome to Clean Sweep, a thrilling top-down, isometric adventure where your strategic skills will be put to the test! In this high-stakes laboratory, you are tasked with guiding a state-of-the-art robot vacuum through the monotonous task of cleaning the lab. Your goal is simple: drop directional icons to control the RoboVac’s path, avoid walls and obstacles, and complete the course within a nail-biting 1 minute and 30 seconds.

But beware! One wrong move and your RoboVac will crash, ending your cleaning spree prematurely. Precision, timing, and quick thinking are your keys to mastering the lab. Will you get the lab clean in time?

I had the idea for this one based on the old amiga game "The Brat" 

Made with unity snap assets.

"Autonomous Robot Sweeper" (https://skfb.ly/oRzLN) by Janis Zeps

Still a few bugs, this was a 24hr project so.......

Does not run on mobile browsers!! 

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