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Guitar Zero - VRGameJam 2024 Submission by JKLabs

Guitar Zero is an exhilarating VR rhythm game developed for VRGameJam 2024. Featuring music from the educational rock band "Hostile Foreign Powers," this game offers a unique blend of entertainment and learning through immersive gameplay.

In Guitar Zero, players wield a virtual guitar to slice through oncoming mini nukes, matching their direction and timing with the beats of three tracks from Hostile Foreign Powers' latest EP. Similar to the popular VR game Beat Saber.

 Guitar Zero challenges players to stay in rhythm and hone their reflexes as they navigate through an intense musical landscape.

Prepare to rock out from your Apocalyptic Hellhole! and sharpen your musical skills with Guitar Zero, the ultimate VR experience brought to you by JKLabs.

Tested on Meta Quest 2+3

Thanks to Magma for hosting this Jam.

Known Bugs:

The Instruments/objects if thrown hard enough do not return to their original positions.

None of the instruments have actual physic's interactions, just colliders, I didn't have the time or the will to go down that rabbit hole!

Using the Megaphone drastically drops the fps, I knew this would happen but its fun!

FPS is around 60fps average on Quest2, solid 72fps onQuest3, unless as mentioned using the megaphone!


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

HFP.apk 233 MB

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